It’s called SEO Lies: A Report About SEO Truths. There are three things that make this book spectacular in my opinion:

I agree with everything in it
It’s short
It only costs $1
Now, those are three amazing things.

First, agreeing with somebody else 100% is a pretty rare thing. But let me clarify that.

Justin Brooke (the author of SEO Lies) and I might disagree on a few specific details about how to approach SEO, things like which Web 2.0 sites are the best ones to achieve the goal or what specific keyword density to use, and other such details, but we agree on the most general and important things. His plan boils down to three things:

Good on-page SEO
Acquisition of backlinks
The importance of research (specifically, keyword and competitive research)
In his e-book on the topic, Justin covers all the very important things and he starts off right away de-bunking the myths and lies that other SEOs are telling people. Things like:

SEO is hard
SEO takes a long time
You need lots of content to rank well
Duplicate content will get you penalized
Nofollow links don’t count
Everyone of those are lies that are repeated over and over again by SEOs all across the web. Justin Brooke demolishes every one of them. And that’s what caught my attention about SEO Lies. Justin promises to kill the SEO lies in his sales letter and he delivers on that promise in the first 10 pages of his book.

And that brings me to my second point:

The book is so short you can read it in one sitting!

No kidding. One sitting.

Nice rhyme, huh?

Well, poetry aside, Justin’s book is only 35 pages long, and it doesn’t need to be any longer! Why should it? He debunks the most popular myths in 10 pages then uses the next 25 to tell you everything you need to know, including:

The most important elements for on-page SEO
Why backlinks are so important
Where and how to get backlinks
And what are the most important sites to focus on for building your business
I agree (for the most part) with all of his points. And you’ll really love his very simple business plan, which he calls “The Boat.”

Finally, the best part: The book is so cheap you’d be a fool to pass it up!

How much would you pay for all of that knowledge? $100? $50? $20?

The price isn’t even as high as $10!

Yes, that’s right. For a measly $1 - that’s a one dollar bill - you can learn everything you need to know about SEO from Internet marketing master Justin Brooke. I highly recommend this book. All three points is the reason I bought the book and they are also the reason I am recommending the book. Don’t pass up this chance to learn SEO the right way from the author of SEO Lies: A Report About SEO Truths.

Just download it at SEO Lies

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